Graffiti cleaning unit - NOT!
Street Arts

Graffiti cleaning unit - NOT!

This video has been viewed more than any other on our You Tube Channel. It shows a group of lads who appear to be graffiti writers except instead of writing on trains they're actually polishing them with cleaning products. We're not about how the legal implications though these days new laws are being made on the hoof so continue at your own peril...

- Monday
I missed my transfer flight and was stuck in an empty Memphis airport all day.So I grabbed a pen and some paper and started writing little happy notes to hide around the airport for people to find.I even left some in the bathrooms for the janitors to...

- The Legend That Is Graffiti Writer 'drax Wd' Confesses All
One of the oldest and globally recognised graffiti writers on the block confesses everything... Father.. I sat up one night and made a Photo-shopped compilation of a bunch of my throw up's and then for no obviously acceptable reason I then knowingly...

- Best / Ever - Delicacy Of Passion Show 1st July-1st August
Respected Street Artists, Graffiti Writers, Photo Realists... Best / Ever are currently showing some of their amazing new works in London's Westend.  We interviewed the lads in LSD Issue 4 so if you want more info on the lads go here

- All City Writers - Graffiti Book
All City Writers is a new book set to drop next month which explores the Writing movement, focusing particulary on the process of its exportation from New York to all of Europe during the 80's. The first part of the book analyzes how graffiti in media...

- Dalston Banksy Trashed
Banksy, by invisiblemadevisible We headed up to Dalston's Gillett Square today, to snap one of the newest Banksy stencils. Having being up on the streets of East London for less than a week this is what we found this afternoon. The piece had been...

Street Arts
