Going mobile in East London
Street Arts

Going mobile in East London


We were recently invited to join a group of fellow bloggers for a stroll around East London to check out some of the art on the streets and put the Samsung Galaxy S5 camera to the test. Leaving our Canon DSLR at home on the day, each of us were given a handset for the afternoon to capture some of what we saw as we worked our way from Bethnal Green, through Brick Lane and finishing up in Shoreditch.

As a long time Apple and iPhone user I was curious to see how I would cope with this handset and operating system while testing the camera at the same time. Unboxing the phone I was a little taken back the the size of the phone, it's nearly double the size of our existing phone, yet despite it's larger size the phone is exceptionally light. Set up was pretty straight forward especially if you are a user of Google products such as gmail, google+ etc. Before setting off we downloaded twitter and instagram so we could share some of our finds on the day as we journey trough East London. The larger screen on the phone was really great especially when using instagram, all the images were sharp and filled the screen and after just a few hours with the phone it took a little getting used to the much smaller iPhone screen when we returned the handsets at the end of the afternoon. The images featured in this post were all taken on the phone, which has an impressive 16-megapixel camera.

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As phone cameras go we were impressed with the outcome of the pictures we captured on the afternoon. The phone is great for mobile photography if you are on the move due to it's light weight and with speedy autofocus it's perfect for capturing and sharing images instantly across your social networks. Unlike our iPhone the S5 also boasts a whole range of settings which in an afternoon we didn't really get the opportunity to put to the test, functions such as manual ISO settings upto 800, real time HDR mode, selective focus and the option to change metering modes some of which as DSLR users we are accustomed to using. A fun afternoon and great to see some works such as the Vhils piece pictured up top which we had not seen before. 


Thanks to Brittany and Anna for the invitation and also 3 Mobile and Samsung for allowing us the chance to test the camera on the phone. Shouts out to our fellow bloggers on the day,  Marcus Maschwitz , Selena The Places , The Usual Shutter Specs and The Art Of The State.

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Street Arts
