Street Arts


I bought this colorful set of glasses at a nearby store but instead of using them to drink from,
I thought they would be pretty to use as little individual vases to put flowers in!
I can't wait till it gets warmer so I can take morning walks and pick wildflowers to put in each glass. Such a lovely way to start the day!

- How To Make Rainbow Flowers
Step 1- Find some pretty white flowers.  ( carnations work best! ) Step 2- With a sharp knife and a superhuman steady hand, split the end of the flower's stem into four sections and put each section in a different cup of colored water....

- Night Gardening
Last Wednesday was my 25th birthday and I really wanted to celebrate by making something pretty for my block. In front of my building there's this little square of dirt and weeds that has been there forever. In a city where almost everything...

- My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Yesterday I had one of those days where everything seemed to be going wrong. I was upset, angry, and all I wanted to do was scream!It felt like there was nothing I could do to feel better so I thought that if I can't feel good, then I'd like to...

- Park Presents
It's so lovely outside that I decided to go to the park and leave little presents for everyone!I got chalk for the kids, Tennis balls for the dogs, and flowers for the adults. Although, they look quite happy playing with the chalk!...

- Morning
Every morning I wake up and start working in my kitchen, but yesterday morning I felt that something was missing.So I grabbed my paper and started cutting.Ahhhh, much better. Every morning should start with a colorful bunch of balloons!...

Street Arts
