Street Arts


Faile : Williamsburg , New York

Keeping it on the New York tip, Manuel Bello interviews Faile over at Fecal Face, just before the drop of their super covert New York City show set to open tomorrow,Thursday, June 7th. Read the interview here.

- Faile Show Dublin Some Love
We were honoured to have been invited to Dublin earlier this month to lead a discussion panel at OFFSET2013 with Patrick Miller and Patrick McNeil from NY street art collective FAILE along with Ji Lee, a Communication Designer at Facebook and former...

- Faile — Ecstasy Print
Paper Monster have just released this beautiful print from New York artists Faile. This new print is based on an original the Faile guys fell in love with and decided to make into a larger edition. The edition was printed at their studio in Brooklyn...

- Faile Hit Up London Town
With the show opening later this week, Faile hit the streets of London last night with some new paste ups....

- Faile - From Brooklyn With Love
We love the work New York based artisits Faile are creating at the moment. The work they installed at the Woostercollective Spring Street project in New York last year was fantastic. We are delighted to see that Lazarides Gallery in Soho's next exhibition...

- Faile Drop Some New Prints
New York street legends Faile return after the holidays with an updated website and shop section. The shop features some new screenprints including the one to the right of Michael Jackson. This is the first time this Faile classic has been made available...

Street Arts
