Cake Break
Street Arts

Cake Break

I decided to try and take an entire week off from eating sugar.
buuuut after a day into it, I found this adorable container of sprinkles in my cabinet.
And then I found this cute heart shaped pan that would be perfect to put my left over cookie dough in! (since it was just sitting in the fridge and I wasn't going to eat it anyways)
So then I thought, if I have both cookie dough and sprinkles, why not just put them together...
and make a delicious cookie cake?
And if I have a delicious cookie cake, It only makes sense to dive in face first and eat the whole thing!
Sooooo I failed miserably, but I must say... it was the best tasting thing I've ever failed at in my entire life.

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- A Few Things That Make Me Happy
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- Dream Cookies
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- Monday
Matty is 30 years old!When I was younger I nicknamed my brother doodie. One year I went to get a silly cake for his birthday but the guy who made the cakes barely spoke any english. It was such a challenge trying to explain that I wanted a big poop on...

Street Arts
