Best Present Ever
Street Arts

Best Present Ever

I have a special love for exclamation marks. I use them so much because most of the time I'm super excited!

My awesome friend Tyler noticed that I put an exclamation mark after every sentence in my emails. So yesterday he stopped by and built me the best present ever....a giant button just for an exclamation mark!

I just plug it into my laptop, press the fun giant button and it types the mark right on the screen. It makes being excited even more exciting!
( yes, my head is currently exploding )

So just remember this image. This is probably what I'll look like every time I write a new blog post or email from now on.

We were talking about possibly making a bunch of these fun buttons together and selling them. If you had your very own button what would it be of? I think a heart would be adorable!

- Mute Button
For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we did a prank called The Mute Button which was made for a Guggenheim Museum exhibition! We had break dancers,dog trainers,saxophone players,preachers, kids, and many more people gather in front of a park to make...

- Happy Birthday, Blog!
Color me Katie turned 1 year old this week!I originally started this blog to have a place to put my photos rather than hide them away on my hard drive forever. I thought my only reader would be myself but now a year later I've had almost half a million...

- East London Street Art Stickers
Stickers everywhere! Hookedblog has noticed a recent increase in stickers around East London over the last few months, despite the council and the buff teams best efforts to keep lampost and other street furniture clean, the street artist seem to be...

- Spreading Some Love
While St.Valentine's day is a just distance memory now, it looks like someone has chosen to continued spreading some love around Shoreditch in the form of these 2" plaster shaped love hearts pictured, in shades of red and blue. With no markings or...

- Badge/button/ Pin
Badge/Button/ Pin is a new book due in the shops at the end of this month and for the next week - until May 30th, there's an exhibition of work from the book at exposure Gallery, 22-23 Little Portland Street, London W1. There's work by Jeremyville,...

Street Arts
