Banksy Poster Giveaway
Street Arts

Banksy Poster Giveaway

So we super surprised that we managed to find two of the Don't Panic packs featuring the Banksy posters over the weekend. We were sure these would have all been snapped up. As we are feeling generous we thought we would have a give away of the two packs to one each of our lovely twitter followers and one to our facebook fans!!

The folded Banksy poster features the praying boy on one side and the other features the Exit The Gift Shop advert. Both sides pictured.
For a chance to win one of the posters:

On twitter we would ask that you firstly follow us and then help to spread the word by copying and tweeting the following tweet

RT & follow! @hookedblog giving away 1 Don't Panic Banksy poster to a RTer this Saturday 8 May! 

And on Facebook we would ask that you Like! our facebook page, suggest us to all your friends and then leave a comment on our wall so we can see who you are. We will then pick the winners randomly this Saturday (8 May 2010), one from Twitter and one from Facebook. The best of luck people.

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Street Arts
