Banksy Movie Hype!!
Street Arts

Banksy Movie Hype!!

Latest Banksy -  Wide
Latest Banksy - Wide, by RomanyWG

With the new movie "Exit Throught The Gift Shop" set to go on general release on the 5th March, looks like the Banksy hype machine is kicking into full swing.

Two weeks of invite only screenings at the Lambeth Palace in Leake Street, a 6 page spread in the The Sunday Times yesterday, an exclusive video clip for their online site and a specially designed cover and interview in the new edition of Time Out London set to drop 2nd March  {blogged here}. With all this high profile PR stuff it's good to see he has gone and done what he does best-  taking to the streets of West London to promote the movie in typical Banksy style.

It will be interesting to see if anything else pops up over the next few days in the runup to the release!

Awesome photo ©RomanyWG

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Street Arts
