AOC0.3 — The Trailer
Street Arts

AOC0.3 — The Trailer

Agents Of Change have been busy in Manchester creating their biggest project to date.
Here's a trailer from the brand new Agents Of Change project; AOC0.3 at the Future Everything Festival. The clip features Remi/Rough, LX One, Juice 126, System, Steve More, Timid and Derm. The full film is to follow at a later date.

- Remi/rough & System — Girl At A Window ‘after Rembrandt’ South London Mural
Hookedblog have already featured Australian artist Reka's interpretation of an old artwork titled "The rape of Europa"(covered here) from the Dulwich picture gallery, the first of several murals planned in the area for the Baroque The Streets festival....

- Agents Of Change - The Megaro Project In Kings Cross
Earlier last month saw the completetion of this impressive and eye catching project by the Agents Of Change for the Megaro Hotel and Karpo restaurant. What looks to be one of London's largest street art / graffiti murals has been painted by the four...

- Agents Of Change — Aoc 0.3 Video
A short film detailing Agents Of Changes involvement in the 2010 FutureEverything Festival which took place last month in Manchester. This is how the festival described the project... "Fresh from their Ghost Village project transforming an abandoned...

- Agents Of Change : Ghostvillage
Ghostvillage from Agents Of Change on Vimeo.Teaser trailer for the Agents of Change "Ghostvillage" project in Scotland. Looks awesome, not much info about on this just yet, more info about this project when we have it....

- Prophet Or Profit @ Pure Evil Gallery
Also opening tonight at the Pure Evil Gallery is an exhibition of collaborative artworks by - Juice 126, Part2ism, Remi/Rough and System titled "Prophet or Profit" Juice 126 has recently shown at Nancy Victor, Mutate Britain and Jibbering Art in his hometown...

Street Arts
