All work and no play makes Katie a dull girl
Street Arts

All work and no play makes Katie a dull girl

One thing I'm really bad at is sitting still and getting work done at my computer. So today I'm going to mix work and play!
Here's the game... For every email I send out, I'm going to make a little something out of paper. The goal is to get as much work done so that by the end of the day I'll have created some kind of fun paper collage on my wall! I'm going to be updating this post throughout the day with pictures of my progress so keep checking back!

1:30pm- 10 emails done, 1,833 to go!
3:30pm- chair spinning break!

5:45pm- I have to run out for a quick photo shoot!
8:30pm- Soooooo maybe I stayed out a little too late last night but how can I leave this pretty view?! Time to finish my project!

Phew, that's a lot of emails!
I think I'm going to continue working on it until the whole wall is covered!

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Street Arts
