8 Things I love about Moo
Street Arts

8 Things I love about Moo

Hair Grab
He styles my hair,
he picks out jewelry for me to wear,
he prefers to sit on tv rather than watch it,
he spends a good part of the day upside down,
he likes our conversations to be private,
he can make things float in mid air,
he likes to match the carpet with his bright green eyes,
and he loves chillin' with his homeboys.

- A Love Letter To My Dresses
Dear pretty dresses, I love you oh so much. Your bright colors make me smile, and wearing you makes me want to twirl. Without you my walls would feel lonely, my Moo cat would have no bed,and I would have nothing to wear!...

- Love
My friends Jake and Kristina got married last weekend and I was so excited to shoot their wedding!There's a billion things that made me happy that day but here are just a few... This amazing wall and these bright blue dresses, sweet mom moments,"...

- Grandma
My lovely grandma has been really sick this week. One of the many things that I admire about her is that she loves to give people little presents for no reason. So in honor of grandma, I bought tons of pretty flowers and walked around my neighborhood...

- Hair
Last year I cut my hair off. It was kind of a big deal for me because I was so attached to my long hair! The thought of even cutting off an inch would make me tear up. Then one day I woke up and realized ... Isn't that silly?So I went over to a hair...

- 1percent
100proof, the UK publisher of '1percent: The Journal of all things good' is proud to announce the release of Issue 2. The second issue is now online as a downloadable PDF magazine and can be found here This on-line publication is dedicated to...

Street Arts
