10 things that make me happy
Street Arts

10 things that make me happy

Personalizing my MetroCard,
showing Matty this picture just before he ate out of that bowl,
this band,
chicken tape dispensers,
doodling on empty boxes,
attacking Matty with tea strainers,

going to someone's house and hiding their stuffed animals in silly places,

making new thought bubbles,
turning my door into a muppet,
and my new wireless remote for my camera!
Now I can take pictures and twirl as much as I want until I feel sick.

- My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Yesterday I had one of those days where everything seemed to be going wrong. I was upset, angry, and all I wanted to do was scream!It felt like there was nothing I could do to feel better so I thought that if I can't feel good, then I'd like to...

- Desktop Fun
Since I've been working on my laptop all week, I thought I'd make my desktop a more fun place to be by changing all the icons in my dock to pictures!I can't help but smile every time I click on my friend Helen blowing bubbles, Matty on the...

- Two
Back in the day when Matty worked in a bank he let me in on a little secret..Banks still carry twos! I totally thought they were extinct! With a wad of twos in my pocket, I am ready to take Matty out for a fancy night on the town ;)...

- Friday
we found out today that grandma has pancreatic cancer. Although my pop is very upset, he was there making everyone laugh me and matty surprised david at school...and asked for his help to find us a halloween costume. tons of my family came from the bronx...

- Tuesday
Matty came home with an Antoni Lucero drawing! He saw the little boys on his way to improv class. If you look closely they doubled their price but the crashing economy has taken a toll on them too. Sadly they had to lower it back to a dollar.I spent the...

Street Arts
